In February, I mentioned that my mother was experiencing some issues with her heart. A few weeks ago, she was hospitalized again with the added complication of vertigo. Thankfully, the doctors ruled out the possibility of a stroke. Since then, she's had a procedure to check her stint, which went well, and then this past week, she underwent her second heart ablation.
Unfortunately, the cardiologist deemed the ablation procedure unsuccessful. She is home again, resting and adjusting to a new medicine. We're hopeful that this new medication will help. If not, her next step is a pacemaker. Your prayers for her healing are much appreciated!
Our daughter, who I refer to as Curly-girl on my blog/social media, was diagnosed with scoliosis and a chest deformity. We've been monitoring her abnormal chest growth for several years, and after a recent growth spurt, her pediatrician recommended we pursue an orthopedist and a pediatric surgeon. Thankfully, the scoliosis is minor; however, she must wear a brace around her chest 24/7 for the next two years. Honestly, we're still grappling with that news, and while we're beyond thankful that a treatment option is available, we're still sad to see our little girl go through one more medical thing.
My husband, Barkley, finally had a HIDA scan, and the doctors say his gallbladder isn't functioning efficiently. The surgeon has recommended that he remove his gallbladder, and we've scheduled the surgery for June 8th! It's a relief to have some answers, although we're still trying to understand the underlying factors causing his gallbladder's inefficiency.
In good news, the cruise that we'd planned several years ago, and that was delayed due to Covid, is finally upon us! We will be flying to Seattle and sailing to Alaska next week! So, my next journal/blog update should have more uplifting news for you!
With love,